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This study aims to determine how the influence of environmental accounting knowledge (EAK), environmental sensitivity (ES) and corporate social responsibility knowledge (CSR-K) on the pro-environmental behavior of accounting students. Given that accounting has an important role in environmental management and how to implement CSR practices in the face of increasingly crucial environmental issues. Quantitative research approach using multiple linear regression analysis with a sample of accounting students at UTM based on purposive sampling technique. The results showed that EAK has no significant influence on pro-environmental behavior in accounting students. Meanwhile, ES and CSR-K have a significant influence on pro-environmental behavior in accounting students. This shows that environmental accounting knowledge has not been able to encourage sustainable behavior, environmental sensitivity factors and CSR knowledge play an important role in encouraging sustainable behavior. Therefore, it is important to increase environmental awareness, detailed understanding of environmental accounting and CSR in the education curriculum as a provision for students to enter the world of accountants or business.
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