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Ilham Ramadhan Ersyafdi
Rafles Ginting


The high preference of students who want to become civil servants and BUMN has another side and a big task that needs to be prepared. One of them is how they view things that are considered normal and tend to become cultural, namely gratification. Because this work is related to service to the country. Therefore, this study aims to provide an overview of accounting students' understanding of gratification. This study uses a mixed method, namely a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study instruments used were questionnaires, interviews and previous studies. The results of the study were that 65.31% of respondents answered correctly from the 14 case examples given. Apart from that, as many as 70% have received Ethics courses, but only 28.57% have received Anti-Corruption Education/Investigative Audit courses. It is necessary that the Anti-Corruption Education course be implemented as one of the mandatory courses at the University so that anti-corruption behavior and personality are formed so that they are able to prevent and eradicate gratification and corruption. Because gratification is the root of corruption. Apart from that, it is hoped that this course can form skills and enthusiasm for students as agents of change for the life of a society and state that are free from the threat of corruption.


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Ersyafdi, I. R., & Ginting, R. (2024). GRATIFIKASI DALAM PERSPEKTIF MAHASISWA AKUNTANSI: DILEMA ATAU PROBLEMATIKA. Akurasi : Jurnal Studi Akuntansi Dan Keuangan, 7(1), 17-34.


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